NMReady 60 PRO
NMReady 60 PRO support for proton, fluorine, phosphorus, boron, lithium, and carbon nuclei, a sub 1 Hz resolution, hetero-nuclear 2D experiments, and a sensitivity of 100:1 (single scan, 1% EtB)
NMReady 60 PRO support for proton, fluorine, phosphorus, boron, lithium, and carbon nuclei, a sub 1 Hz resolution, hetero-nuclear 2D experiments, and a sensitivity of 100:1 (single scan, 1% EtB)
FT – IR Research Spectrometer INVENIO is a machine with the following applications; Research & Development Time-resolved spectroscopy FT-IR spectroelectrochemistry Low temperature experiments FT-IR microscopy and imaging In-situ reaction monitoring Amplitude modulation (AM) spectroscopy Pharmaceuticals & Life Science Assess stability and volatile content of medical drug products Differentiate between polymorphs of active pharmaceutical ingredients Protein …
The multi EA 4000 stands for fast, low-maintenance macro-elemental analysis. It enables you to determine the parameters TS and TC in inorganic and organic solids straightforwardly and simultaneously. TX determination is no problem at all. Furthermore, additional options allow the speciation of carbon — TOC, TIC, EC, OC, and BOC
SCION gas chromatographs are designed to support detailed and constant analysis of intermediates, the final drug product and its packing material. A range of GC solutions are available for residual solvents (RS), extractables and leachables (E/L) and organic volatile impurities (OVI) identification and quantification in pharmaceutical drug substances, excipients and products.
The PA 800 Plus is a robust analytical platform that can help you with: Monoclonal Antibody Applications Purity/Heterogeneity with Gold Standard CE-SDS in minutes Glycan Analysis with award-winning Fast Glycan Technology Charge Heterogeneity with fast and simple CZE or with hi-res cIEF Peptides and Proteins beyond mAbs Cell and Gene Therapy Applications Capsid Proteins Purity …
The GenomeLab GeXP™ Genetic Analysis System supports a variety of applications including quantitative gene expression, DNA sequencing, genotyping, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and/or fragment analysis.
CESI 8000 Plus (High Performance Separation – ESI Module with OptiMS Technology) is used for food fraud analysis, proteomics analysis, Metabolomics analysis and Pesticide Testing.
The UV Spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light passing through a sample and compares it to the intensity of light before it passes through the sample. The ratio is called the transmittance, and is usually expressed as a percentage (%T). The absorbance, determined based on the transmittance. The UV–visible spectrophotometer can also be configured to measure reflectance.